NextGeo accomplishes Tyrrhenian Link survey

Next Geosolutions provides its contribution to the accomplishment of another key energy infrastructure in the Mediterranean Sea: the Tyrrhenian Link, a new electricity corridor that will connect Sicily with Sardinia and the Italian peninsula via a double underwater cable system, divided in two sections: EAST LINK from Sicily to Campania and WEST LINK from Sicily to Sardinia.

In 2021, Next Geosolutions, with the support of CoNISMa, has been awarded the survey works for the West Link of the Tyrrhenian Link project by Terna SpA, the Italian Transmission System Operator (TSO), and has recently completed the main offshore survey operations on board the in-house vessel MPSV NG Worker and other smaller coastal vessels.

NextGeo’s scope of work entailed the execution of marine geophysical, geotechnical and environmental surveys, both offshore and nearshore. The offshore geophysical survey tasks were carried out by means of the two work-class ROVs Schilling HD that are permanently fitted on board the NG Worker and are equipped with the most advanced survey sensors. Other survey activities are still going on at time of writing.

Once completed, the West Link, with its 471km length and 2120m depth below sea level, will be the deepest submarine power cable in the world, breaking the current record of 1600m still held by Terna with the SAPEI Link between Sardinia and the Italian peninsula.


Due importanti riconoscimenti in ambito finance e business per Next Geosolutions: premio EQUITA per la migliore strategia di utilizzo del mercato dei capitali nel 2024 nella categoria “raccolta di fondi sul mercato azionario”, e premio come “Company of the year – over 50 employees” ai SUBSEA Expo Awards 2025 di Aberdeen, in Scozia

Napoli, 21 febbraio 2025 – Settimana ricca di riconoscimenti per Next Geosolutions, tra le aziende leader a livello internazionale nel campo delle geoscienze marine e

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