Following R&D program, NextGeo launches high-speed ROV

Mission accomplished!

Following an exciting (and challenging) Research & Development Programme and a considerable

investment effort, NextGeo is proud to present its new ground-breaking technological jewel: the high

speed survey ROV SUPERIOR.

The successful result of a fruitful collaboration between our R&D and Technical Departments and the

high-tech ROV manufacturer Kystdesign, our HS-ROV Superior is a fast survey class hydraulic ROV

system for surveys down to 3000 meter water depth. The whole innovation programme was selected

and granted financial support by the Italian Government within the “Accordi per l’Innovazione”

framework (MIMIT).

The system is characterised by a compact and integrated mechanical architecture, powerful and

accessible hydraulic functions and a user friendly real time control system. Thanks to its

hydrodynamic shape, powerful propulsion and modular structure, the vehicle can reach very high

survey speeds, though still ensuring best data quality. It comes with a specially designed LARS which

allows easier and safer deployment, even in rougher weather.

Following a successful FAT carried out a few weeks ago, the system has been mobilised on the newly

acquired group vessel MPSV Ievoli Relume in IJmuiden, The Netherlands.

The whole spread has now arrived in the Mediterranean Sea, where it will be employed for survey

activities on some of the most important offshore energy infrastructures of the area.

Another big step ahead on our way to support a safe, efficient, affordable and sustainable energy

supply to the world.


Due importanti riconoscimenti in ambito finance e business per Next Geosolutions: premio EQUITA per la migliore strategia di utilizzo del mercato dei capitali nel 2024 nella categoria “raccolta di fondi sul mercato azionario”, e premio come “Company of the year – over 50 employees” ai SUBSEA Expo Awards 2025 di Aberdeen, in Scozia

Napoli, 21 febbraio 2025 – Settimana ricca di riconoscimenti per Next Geosolutions, tra le aziende leader a livello internazionale nel campo delle geoscienze marine e

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