Next Sistema Smart in ambiente marino

Next Geosolutions Europe S.p.A. successfully concluded the “Accordo per l’Innovazione NSS2023 – Next Sistema Smart in ambiente marino” by realising a system for the remote control and monitoring of marine operations.

The final goal of the project was to realise the NSS2023 integrated system, consisting in two production and two control subsystems:

  • A remotely controlled HSS (‘Fast’) ROV underwater system with a high speed of production.
  • A vehicle equipped with an Autonomous Survey Vehicle navigation system, indicated as ASV.
  • An on-board control centre, indicated as Control Room, for real-time transmission of data and video (digital assets) acquired at sea to a land-based centre.
  • A control centre on shore, indicated as Communication Centre, for the in-situ receipt and monitoring of digital assets and information on the operations status.

The NSS2023 aims, therefore, to:

  • promoting environmental sustainability by reducing the number of technical personnel needed on board
  • improving the work quality through an integrated and centralised control of operational activities
  • reducing operational time through high-performance technologies.

The results achieved fully reflect the objectives that were set, consolidating the company’s innovative development path.

Call: Fondo per la crescita sostenibile Accordo per l’Innovazione di cui al D.M. 02/08/2019. Tecnologia abilitante fondamentale “Tecnologie nell’ambito dell’informazione e della comunicazione (TIC)”, Area of Application: “Fabbrica Intelligente”, SN_A1 – Processi produttivi ad alta efficienza e per la sostenibilità industriale.

Project number: F/240010/00/X49

Finanziamento a valere sull’Asse I, Azione 1.1.3 PON Imprese e competitività 2014 – 2020

Project timeline: 42 mesi – End date: 20/03/2024